Backwards Bush Clock

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Energy Bulletin: Post-Peak - The Change Starts with Us saw this message on the Energy Bulletin website and thought you should see it.

~~~ message ~~~
A long read with a lot of info.

~~~ Post-Peak - The Change Starts with Us ~~~
By Pat Murphy, The Community Solution
Published March 22, 2006
The average American consumes six times the energy of the average person in the rest of the world. Yet we don’t seem to realize the cost of our massive energy consumption on the poorer people of the world, on our own health, and the health of the environment. Although interest in Peak Oil is growing, most do not yet fully understand that this means the “American Way of Life” will be over within a few decades.

Full story:

~~~ About Energy Bulletin ~~
Energy Bulletin is a not-for-profit energy news clearinghouse exploring the relationships between peak oil and peak gas with climate and the environment, geopolitics, finance, transport, urban design, food systems, permaculture, relocalisation and much more.

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