Backwards Bush Clock

Friday, September 7, 2007

Bison Hunt: Save a Buffalo for $3.00

I hope no one minda me posting this announcement that I received earlier today from another Native American group I belong to.
Bison Hunt: Save a Buffalo for $3.00 
* Bison Hunt: Save a Buffalo for $3.00

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) is about to start taking
applications for the state's upcoming bison "hunt."  Once again, we
have a hunt without habitat, wild bison are not respected as native
wildlife, and the Department of Livestock (DOL) is the authorizing
agency.  Bison will migrate out of an area where they  have been
admired by millions of Park visitors into Montana and the sites of

Wild bison are ecologically extinct throughout their native range -
how can Montana justify a hunt?  It's become another way for the
state to kill wild buffalo that migrate into Montana.  They are using
hunters to do the dirty work of the DOL.

This year, FWP intends to provide 44 tags to kill buffalo that
migrate into Montana.  The Nez Perce and Confederated Salish-Kootenai
tribes, who are hunting under treaty rig hts have agreed to take an
additional 44 buffalo between them.  Adding insult to injury, should
an additional 60 wild buffalo migrate into Montana during the hunt
season (Nov. 15 - Feb. 15) FWP will issue another 100 tags!  In a
ridiculous par for the course, Montana insists on killing buffalo
that haven't even migrated into the state.

TAKE ACTION:  You can save a wild buffalo from being hunted down on
their winter range.  Starting tomorrow, Friday, September 7, FWP will
be taking applications for the bison hunt lottery.  If you apply and
win the lottery, you can choose NOT to use your tag and hence save a
wild buffalo for just $3.

Information on how to apply for a bison hunt tag is at  For
questions or more information, contact Jesse Crocker at or call him at 406-646-0070.

Please also continue to write to FWP and Montana Governor Brian
to let them know you oppose Montana's bison hunt.  Letters
to the Editor of Montana and national papers are also critical.
Yellowstone buffalo that migrate into Montana are never left alone.
They have no year-round habitat in the state, and are "managed" as a
nuisance animal by livestock interests.  Whenever wild buffalo enter
Montana, they are chased back into the Park by government agents and
cattle interests on horses, snowmobiles, ATVS and helicopters,
atrocious activities called hazing that not only harm buffalo, but
disrupt the entire ecosystem.  Many times wild buffalo that continue
to follow their instincts and don't "respond to hazing" are captured
and sent to slaughter and quarantine facilities.  These cruel and
senseless actions are all based on the cattle industry's fear that
wild bison "may" transmit brucellosis to livestock.  Brucellosis came
from the European livestock that now swarm this country in the tens
of millions, and wild buffalo have never transmitted the disease back
to them.  Brucellosis is being used as a tool to keep wild bison from
reoccupying their native habitat.  Montana's hunt is just one more
way for cattle interests to "justify" killing wild bison that cross
that nonsensical, man-made border.

Contact Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks as well as Montana Governor
Brian Schweitzer
and let them know you OPPOSE the bison "hunt" and

Please write Letters to the Editor of local, state and national
paper s.  Contact information for some papers as well as tips on
writing an LTE are found at:
Remember:  printed buffalo-friendly letters get you a free "Let
Buffalo Roam!" BFC t-shirt!  Just send you letter, mailing address
and t-shirt size to or to BFC, P.O. Box
957, West Yellowstone, MT  59758.

"Indian blood is like gold, no matter how thinly spun it shines just as bright."
"Only if we stand together as one people can we hope to overcome all the injustices suffered by our people.  We have to learn to agree to disagree, and stand as one people regardless of our personal differences." 
Strong Heart Woman

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