Healing From Inside!
No,I do not worship the sun I give thanks to Creator for the honor of enjoying the beauty He has gifted in the new rising sun.
No,I do not worship the waters or the rocks,the four legs or the feathered rather I am humbled by the loving lessons of these my Elders.
No, I do not worship the Mother Earth,the stars,the moon,or the Four Winds,I give honor and respect to the One who Created all.
No,my chanting and dances or beating the drum is not for your enjoyment,to show off,or bring rain,these my friend are humble thankful prayers.
Yes, I pray everyday from the sunrise on,my heart is deeply grateful for each and everything that is shared,every hardship for these are lessons teaching me.
Yes, I am connected to all things that share my world,and I believe all things have a spirit even rocks and trees,they feel pain and hurt just like you and me.
Yes,my heart is filled with peace at the speaking of my Elders,I hear the whispers of the ancients in every wind that blows.
Yes,I believe we are the Keepers of our Mother Earth,and I believe we owe to her our duty to keep her clean and keep the Balance.
Each race Creator made He gave to them a gift,if we are willing to share the world in peace all would be given lessons they should learn.
It does not matter your color or your creed,what matters in this life is what you are willing to give not how much you have or what you can take.
Our Mother Earth will be healed with or without your help,it is those who understand this that will survive to do their sacred duty!
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