Backwards Bush Clock

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Billions Owed to Native Americans Debated

Billions owed Native Americans debated

By Mary Clare Jalonick, The Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- The Interior Department is doing all it can to account for billions of dollars owed to Native American landholders, a department official told a federal court Wednesday in legal arguments over the Indians' 11-year-old lawsuit against the government.
The suit claims the government has mismanaged more than $100 billion in oil, gas, timber and other royalties held in trust from their lands dating back to 1887.

At a hearing in U.S. District Court, James Cason, associate deputy Interior secretary, defended the government's accounting of the Native American trust lands. The department says it has spent more than $127 million on historical accounting of the trust lands since 2003 and is not delaying or trying to limit government liability, as the plaintiffs suggest.

But Cason said the department has a difficult job when Congress is appropriating limited funds for the accounting.

"There is only so much money we can get out of Congress to do this job," he said. The government contends that the Interior Department has developed a reasonable process for accounting for the money owed and that the lawsuit should not go forward.

But lawyers for the Naitve Americans argued that the department is not properly accounting for the money owed to thousands of trustees.

"Hopefully, your honor, after 120 years some of our clients are going to see justice," said Dennis Gingold, the plaintiffs' lead attorney.

Filed in 1996 by Elouise Cobell of the Blackfeet tribe, the lawsuit deals with individual Indians' lands. Several tribes have sued separately, claiming mismanagement of their lands.

The government proposed paying $7 billion partly to settle the Cobell lawsuit in March, but that was rejected by the plaintiffs, who estimate the government's liability could exceed $100 billion.

Judge James Robertson is presiding in the case after Judge Royce Lamberth was removed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which said he had lost his objectivity.

The government had asked that Lamberth be replaced after the judge lambasted the Interior Department, writing in a decision that it "is a dinosaur -- the morally and culturally oblivious hand-me-down of a disgracefully racist and imperialist government that should have been buried a century ago."

Rapid Reply

Lakota_Man wrote on Oct 11, 2007 1:37 PM:
" My grandmother when she was alive always told me that we Sioux have connection with the Black hills, something that money can't pay for, when i was 18 i went to the Black Hills with my family and stood on a hill over looking a stream and i felt a feeling that can only be described as "Peace" much the same way that a person feels when they go to a with that being said i believe the article was actually about mismanaged funds by the B.I.A. which means the money that was payed us, was misused by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and not the whole government, my father fought in Vietnam for the United Stated, my grandfather fought during WW II and was at Pearl Harbor when it happened. I am proud of this country, I see both sides to everything, I do not blame the whole government for everything but I ask that the goverment that over sees the B.I.A. make them responsible for the money they lost or neglected to pay and let it be done with, there is some truth here, yes we can not live in the past, the year is 2007 but on the other hand you can not move forward until there is closure to what has happened in the past, and as for me thats all i am saying give us aggreement was made now stick to it, we as native people need to realize that the U.S. government will never pay the money owed us nor will they ever return the Black Hills and other lands to us, that is something we have to accept, and for all the court fights and everything else we may do, i want people to realize it is not about the money, what it is about is having the government acknowledge they were wrong, the non-indians that write the negative comments in here need to realize that not every thing you see or hear about is true, nor is everything we see or hear about white people are true, everyone just needs to understand how we feel...REMEMBER THE US GOVERNMENT WOULD NOT HAVE HISTORY IF NOT FOR THE INDIAN PEOPLE...because of the battles fought and the peace made it was history, I believe the 1st americans came her from england to escape what was being done to them, isnt it funny how what they fled they then turned and pushed onto the indian people, what was being done to them they did to us...tribes completely wiped out so much that there names are now lost to history,my people almost extermintated, told to either move tot he reservation or be killed, and yet even in this day and age people say forget it...what would america be like to day if the indians had one the wars??? makes me wonder, but there is this to think about, UNITED isnt that the first word before states?? "

REZZED OUT wrote on Oct 11, 2007 1:08 PM:
" I have been a freedom fighter since I was 18 years old as many of my fellow tribesmen. I listened and learned from a white history teacher in a SD college about treaties, as well as taking Federal Indian Law from Dennis Banks. I am glad that I am not ignorant about the promises made by this government. If this government would do the right thing, healing for all people will be possible. Do you believe in Karma, what goes around, comes around. Join us and Ms. Cobell's fight to right these wrongs. Who stole this money? There is a major cover-up here and accountability would be key. I'm sure all of you who got contracts from the Interior Department, made millions off our money. We get checks for oil that amount to .16 cents a year, is that for a drop of oil or a barrel? What about our timber, water, gold? There are alot of you who lived it up on Indian monies and you know what I'm talking about. Thank you to the people who have educated themselves about treaties, so that we all can return to the sacred. "

to wondering when wrote on Oct 11, 2007 12:41 PM:
" Here is the difference; the US government are not Nazis, this is not Israel and you are not Jews. So get over it already. "

HCR wrote on Oct 11, 2007 12:10 PM:
" TO WHAT A WASTE OF ENERGY: You don't have hatred? Why then did you respond specifically to me? and the reason you "bother to explain this" to people like me. Is simple: Hatred! Your right! it is not MY money, and the reason I am concerned with it is also simple; Because YOU don't deserve it and I don't deserve it. It is people like myself that make sure the checks and balances are in place and people like YOU don't get something for nothing! Hence... this blog. RCJ PLEASE POST "

JAKEL wrote on Oct 11, 2007 12:10 PM:
" Dear Joseph Budd, Rules of conquest only apply to a war when all parties involved agree to open war (this is your very own western european concept supposedly fallowed by europeans at sometime). This is not the case for the 1851 and 1868 treaty land base. However, the 68 treaty itself (not the land) is the result of open war and the united lost this war and retreated to lands previously illegally taken from other peoples. Through acts of attrition in a non declared war over the course of the next 66 years (low grade military conflict also applied here) stopping with the 1934 howard wheeler act, rights, lives, lands and resources were lost through deceit and cowardly policies of divide and conquer. Thank You. "

Bruce - Tatanka Ihanbla wrote on Oct 11, 2007 11:54 AM:
" Rental and royalty payments are connected to treaties as a matter of money (mis)management by the US government. Fort Laramie Treaty Tribes should limit their involvement with Cobell to that specific vein. The IIM disbute is a pitance compared to the trillions in resources taken from the Great Sioux Reservation. Many of these arguments against the treaty, like Joseph Budd's, are rooted in uneducated guessing which will not stand up in court. Why are some people struck with fear as tribal people gain working knowledge of US laws and use them to set the record straight. By the way, Treaty signers on the tribal side put down arms because of the agreement coupled with honor, not because of defeat. It might enlighten you to know that what you witness on tribal agencies stems purely from US Laws. Check the record for yourself. Had traditional laws and customs not been replaced in nearly every aspect with the Indian Reorganization Act we would not currently have domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse or other social, mental, health, emotional or spiritual problems. As I previously said, Congressional Acts, Judicial Case Laws, Bureau of Indian Affairs policies (including Indian Reorganization Act governments) and Executive Orders are the government pressures tribal people live under. While tribal people learn to practice International and US Laws in order to set the record staight some uninformed people lash out against legal truth as if it were valid to do so. It should sadden you that US Laws were used to commit genocide against tribal people and it should make you glad that US Laws are used to end those acts of genocide. The 1868 Treaty is about peace relations so maybe we ought to be working toward that end. "

JAKEL wrote on Oct 11, 2007 11:47 AM:
" Cheyenne EB you are right on. Give back the land, fork over the profits accrued over the past 150 from the homelands of the Lakota and other peoples where it is concerned, make reparations in the form of gifts for the genocide inflicted on the indigenous peoples of this land. After this is done we could began to work with America and show them some respect. Of course this will never happen, we barely get through with senate and house appropriations, funds that the americans recieve anyway. "

wondering when wrote on Oct 11, 2007 11:47 AM:
" why should we get over it. its that the same mentality and suggestions given to the jews. "

Inner circle wrote on Oct 11, 2007 11:15 AM:
" Do we live our lives based on the fears of our role models and influences? Why do we fear the others perspective, however ignorant or truthful? Funny how modern day society pits us against each other while taking advantage while we are distracted acting out the realities of the lobsters in the bucket. Job security for the media and stataticians but basically unhealthy to the rest of us. We can't get along with each other until we learn how to get along with the person inside of us. We all know what right and wrong are, but are we willing to stand responsible to our own voice before we ask that of another? "

IKTOMI wrote on Oct 11, 2007 10:53 AM:

What a waste of enegry. wrote on Oct 11, 2007 10:50 AM:
" HCR: I have differ with you; A lot of Natives knew about this Cobell Case even before this article. Bureau of Indian Affairs is located on the Reservations throughout the Nation. Why are you concerned about's not YOUR money either. Don't give me the "I pay taxes speech!" either because I pay taxed that help ALL RACES. I don't even know why I bother to explain to people like you. People tend to believe what was taught to them at home; what was instilled inside a person is hard to remove. I wish all of you the best. All I can say is that I am happy that I don't carry around all this hatered. "

IKTOMI wrote on Oct 11, 2007 10:43 AM:

to Hunhun! wrote on Oct 11, 2007 10:21 AM:
" It is funny when you point out how others are not educated, and then misspell 'a lot'. "(thanks for the laugh)" "

CRST-EB wrote on Oct 11, 2007 10:07 AM:
" How about this? Just give us what was unlawfully taken and see what we do with it. Just think of what would happen if the Black Hills region was given back to us. I would rather have that than the billions. How would the people that unlawfully own the land in the Black Hills now react if they were all of sudden stripped of their right to that land? "

TO Joseph Budd wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:58 AM:
" You can compare the Lakota wars with the US wars all you want, but the differance is that the US wants to control, have and own the world and to claim everything in their path and to make things worse destroy as they go along just like they did to these so-called united states, the fact is that the sioux will have claim to the black hills and it is not because of the gold, it is because of its sacredness and that is why it remained unhibited, gold is nothing and you can argue that why do we need money in this day and age, well because the white man forced us to live their style and that is paying for everything and to make things worse, that is not who we are, we are not white, i mean being white is to make things, make you pay for things and destroy things all in one, you can use "yellow thunder" camp from the past as to how the native population treats black hills, but you need to do research because a majority of those people there were wasicu's trying to be native, then there comes the question, who does own the black hills in the past tribes fought each other over it, well truthfully, a white man will never understand this because they were never here over 500 years ago to see what was going on, but every tribe and every nation within the united states are totall different, yes, we may pray to god but in different languages, all cultures are different, i am lakota but i don't know the culture or language of the dine`, chippewa, ojibiway, arikara, cheyenne, they have their own native language, and how they practice their religion or every day lives and also comes along that are territorial issues, that is why they call us plains indians, we did not stay in one place and the only time we headed to the black hills was to pray in our own different way and it was not to dig for gold, there was no reason to dig up anything, to be truthful, all the gold there means nothing to me, but the significance of existance of the black hills does, there is more meaning then gold, i can go on and on, but i was taught by my great grandfather, to keep my lakota beliefs and language, but in order to survive learn the white man's language and their lifestyle, shamefully, i guess i had to learn on being rude and unpolite person, oh well, anyway, it seems that when the native population voice's their concerns, the white man comes rushing in and try to complain how fair the native's are being treated which is wrong, but as the old say goes "the Mayflower is still in dock, go home, and take all the alcohol, diseases and everything that has been man made by you with you". I know that was harsh, but still, if you are not originally from here then look up your family tree of origination and go home and be happy or mean there.... "

Responsible wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:54 AM:
" To Joseph Budd, I have to hand it to you at least your the only white person that can be honest with your thoughts, I have to give you that. Yet I disagree whoel heartedly as the war against the white man over the lands was based on dihonest acts of your people, race and they did it with maipulation, The indigenous people of these lands had an understanding that the land was not to be owned and were always willing to live amongst others with that very understanding. So Mr. Budd I believe your thoughts are a little distorted. I'm sorry but I think it would help if you could revisit the past and really take a look at the facts realistically, I think it may open doors that will light up your dark corners. Anyway, good luck. and even if you dont take my advisce, good luck. "

Anna Belle Smith Rapid City wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:53 AM:
" You would think after 130 years of repressing and opressing our native american brothers and sisters non-natives would GROW UP! I am so very tired as a white person to witness the day in day out racial profiling and harassment of our native friends. IF we were treated the same way, hearded like wild animals to a "reserve" and then thrown treats once in a while and told to settle for less, we too would have the same social issues!!! We need to respect honor and thank our Native friends! We have much to learn from elders and their culture! Now there is as much prejudice and anger towards white people as the other way. It is not good to pass down the bitterness your children! When will we all come together? I think the time is now! I think America first should repent for the murder at Wounded Knee- take back the badges of honor for the "battle" at wounded knee, which is a joke! There was no battle just a massacre of the innocent! Look how we are in an uproar about school shootings, no different! Terrorism- we need to recognize it for what it was ,repent and move ahead! I sure wish the RC Journal had a policy of making people put their name and community down on this site like they do for the paper, this blog is a breeding ground for hate and hurt with no accountability "

Hunhun! wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:45 AM:
" Gee whiz, there r definitely some good reads on this blog. I wonder if the same ignorant people post on every American Indian issue that comes up. Why I wonder this is because we seem to rehash the same arguments regarding freebies, land, laziness, and drunkards. Then it seems that all us educated American Indians come out n attempt to explain history. Ignorance is definitely a problem in South Dakota. We read every day some really positive educational tidbit about how wonderful Rapid City Area Schools, Sturgis School District or Spearfish School District is doing. However I am thinking this all must not be accurate, cuz the these blogs r filled with alot of uneducated folks filled with hate and anger. I really appreciate the comment from abc in his remarks, thank you. And to College Student, I truly understand what u r saying, I 2 am a graduate of BHSU (thanks for the laugh). Now for Joseph Budd, History Lesson, Whatever!!!, Truth Teller, poor me and all the other haters posting here. History in itself is history, that is for sure. However it does become fabricated into all of our lives to in the present. In my life time I have come to understand that in order to become a better HUMAN BEING, I must acknowledge my ancestors and their struggles. I exist today because of them and their struggles. Every day I walk proudly being a Lakota woman. Do you really think your ancestor's struggles were for you to be such a dignified racist/bigot? R do u think their struggles were so u could be today at this moment being the best HUMAN BEING possible? "

Re: to rst wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:43 AM:
" It was not your land first any more than it was my land. Your tribe was not the original owners, you took it from another tribe that was not the original owners, who also took it from another tribe, and so on and so on. The whole claim is basically that the white man stole stolen land. No one should be compensated, it is 2007. get over it already! "

native 24/7 wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:42 AM:

HCR wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:37 AM:
" Out of 138 Posts. 72% of the people on this blog are indian and wanting money. With all do respect. IT'S NOT YOUR MONEY!. This has been going on since 1887. So if your not 120 years old. I really don't beleive your entitled. I don't beleive you have earned, sold, or agreed yourself, personally with the government enitity. All you as an individual or tribal group have to go on; is this RCJ artivcle that was posted yesterday. Before that, you had absolutley no clue that there was a law suit in progress. You as an individual or tribal group just read 8 words in the first sentence of this article; "billions of dollars owed to Native American landowners," So naturally you want a piece of the pie. The only problem with that piece of pie is. You want the "B" in Billion. You want, You want, You want. And even after you get that "B" in Billion you are still going to want more. Get over it, Let it go, You will never see a dime of it. Even IF the Tribe wins at the federal level. The money is already spent before you entereed into this law suit. RCJ PLEASE POST. "

Proud to be Native wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:34 AM:

My Thoughts wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:33 AM:
" I have been reading blog after blog and it all sounds the same. He said he, or she said she said, and nothing about what can be done. I feel soory to live in South Dakota since ive started reading blogs. What ever happened to honor and integrity, stand up for what is right not just piont fingers. Sometimes the fact of the matter is that someone messed up and no logical answer to this problem is going to be answered until responsibilty is taken. It is also very sad just to see the lack of respect demonstated by EVERYONE. I know you all had a parent or two, didnt they teach you anything about respecting others. I bellive we sould all look at ourselves and put ourselves in someone eles shoes, if you are not willing to do that you have know business commenting. Back to the issue at hand, I have lived next to and worked on reservations my whole life and I am friends with several Native Americans, and they work their own ranches and make a living for themselves. They are disgusted with their own people and the way they treat things that are given to them. I am a carpenter and I have done work on the reservations before and know what some natives can do to a house, make it a pillar of the community (which is very rare) or a dump that I would not send my worst enemy to live in, and it was a brand new home when it was moved into. I dont know if it is defiance by the people or if it is just that they have been given things so long that hey have no idea what it is to take care of things. The things I saw in these houses is plainly a lack of respect for anyhthing, including yourself. It seemed like a waste of energy to remodel these houses because they are going to get treated with the same amount of care that they did before. I take to much pride in my abilities to give them to those that dont deserve them. Now dont get me mixed up with some big-shot construction company that is in it for the quick buck. I dont think of myself as too good for anybody but it seemed like a waste to me. I think that if we were to pull all the programs created for the Native Americans it would only cause more problems. I have heard from my Native American friends that getting OFF of the reservations was the best thing that ever happened to them, and the things that you all say are "given" are not offered any longer, however the quality of life was improved. I helped build a new convienience store, remodeled a church, and took part in remodeling houseing on the resevations. The store was vandalized, nobody goes to the church, and as for the houses I would rather not think about it. In closing I would have to say that Native Americans as a whole need to clean up thier act, I am well aware that there are some very successfull Natives out there but lets be honest its not on the high end of the average. Those of you that are respected among your own people need to keep those who will listen on a common path to a goal rather than just everyone pointing fingers and complaining about what they want done. More respect by both sides of the argument will have to be reached if anything is ever going to be resolved. "

RC Guy wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:33 AM:
" Wow! If anyone thinks that racism is not alive and well on both sides of the fence, then they need to read these blogs. "

Re: to rst wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:27 AM:
" KEEP THE LAND!! Take it, its corrupted and worthless now after all you've done to it...but we STILL are owed, maybe not by YOU, but by the government. We see what people do with what used to to be our land. We see all the billboards and lights and trash and pollution, and we see your communes being built to harbor your cults! We see how you build your alcohol manufacturing facilities, and alcohol distribution centers and bars. We see all those beautiful patches of dug up earth, and all the disgusting rotting houses that are neglected on YOUR land. Well, when WE had OUR land, before your pappy came in and slapped some paper around to claim it, WE didnt have the land suffering like it is now. So keep YOUR land, but step aside and keep quiet while we get compensated for the loss of our use of OUR land, and for having to stand by and watch how YOU own it. Sickening... "

Mary wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:27 AM:
" I agree 110% with you BUCK UP. Right to the point and it said it ALL.... "

to to rst wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:21 AM:
" That may change. Hold on to your reciept! "

Just a Matter of Time wrote on Oct 11, 2007 9:10 AM:
" I knew it wouldn't take long for people to get off the topic...what in the world does Tom Casey and Red Cloud (I'm guessing it's the school and not the chief) have to do with this? Sounds like someone has issues with all the Rez Media coverage RC is getting. Everyone on the Reservation knows that the winning Rez teams get the most coverage. It just happens to be Red Cloud this year. As far as the article, the US Government owes Native Americans for the use of their lands for oil, gas, grazing and rights-of-ways ON INDIVIDUAL INDIAN MONEY (IIM) TRUST LAND. "

to rst wrote on Oct 11, 2007 8:49 AM:
" My land is not your land. I have a deed that has MY name on it, not the tribe's name. I own it. It is mine. I paid for it. End of story. "

To Joseph Budd wrote on Oct 11, 2007 8:42 AM:
" First, I would like to correct you on some things you said. Yes, we did pay Germany billions of dollars to rebuild their lands. Yes, they got to keep their lands too. Now, the US Government stood by the treaties or papers that were signed between them so they should stand behind the treaties or papers they signed with the Lakota and all the other tribes. The lakota knew there was gold in the hills long before the white settlers. That was why they fought so hard to keep everyone out of it because they knew the greed of the white people. Its all in the history books. You sit there and make accusations about Lakota's not caring about their land that they were forced to come to under the treaties. Come visit where I live, see that there is some that DO care about what they have. Some parts of Reservations do seem like third world countries partly because they are oppressed and partly because they dont have the drive to move on. I only ask that if you are going to compare the Lakota's with all the other countries that the US government has fought, please be truthful. Every country we have beaten had got their lands back and we have paid billions to help rebuild them. So they didnt treat us the same so please dont say they did. I work and have worked since I was 12 and I take care of everything I have earned. I am a lakota, I am a veteran, but most of all, I am an American. Treat me like one and I will always treat you like one. Just look at the Lakota side of it once. thats all I ask. "

If they pay this wrote on Oct 11, 2007 8:39 AM:
" Does it mean that all of the other benefits that these people get come to an end? "

truth wrote on Oct 11, 2007 8:31 AM:
" Throughout the course of history, people have gotten things they didn't ask for. They've also been denied things they were promised. We have all suffered these gratitudes and injustices. I think more energy should be focused on paving the way for the future instead of whining about past injustices. We've all suffered. We've all gained. It all comes out in the wash. "

100 billion in trade... wrote on Oct 11, 2007 8:22 AM:
" A. Pay them 100 billion. B. Eliminate BIA C. Eliminate the reservation system (Just one Nation - The United States) D. Let them set up their own entity for distribution of the 100 million. "

What's Up!! wrote on Oct 11, 2007 8:20 AM:
" What's up with all of this again? You don't even want to bring up the Sacred Black Hills or all the money that is owned!or the gold in them there hills or dead horse walking or what ever? Or even Tom Casey only favors Red Cloud! What's up with this craziness? Check this out only the true natives know we are only here for a blink of an eye so love each other and all the gold, Tom Casey not be fair, and all the money in the world could bring inner peace within. "

Just Wondering wrote on Oct 11, 2007 7:49 AM:
" How many years do we go back....100? 200? 300? 400? 500? 600? 700? Before Christ? I have a Jewish background. Do I have a leg to stand on if I sued the Germans? How about my children? My grandchildren? Everyone will have the same views if Billions of dollars are awarded or not. I guess if I "owe" rent, I only "owe" for about the 3 years I've lived here in SD. The electricity you use, the water infrastructure you use, light bulbs, TV, radio, medicine that's used in today's hospitals (including IHS) that all reap the benifits from can go away. If someone doesn't agree, there's always fire for heat and light, Rapid Creek for water, and some herbal supplement for your sickness. "

mwb wrote on Oct 11, 2007 7:39 AM:
" to rst: If the white man didn't come first, then at some point it would have been someone else. The land no longer belongs to you. Get over it and move on. "

LEARNING FROM THE BEST wrote on Oct 11, 2007 7:29 AM:

Where and What? wrote on Oct 11, 2007 7:25 AM:
" Thanks 'north too'. This article does not mention anything about the Black Hills. It talks about Native American trust lands. Where are these lands, what are they, and who owns them now? "

ducati guy wrote on Oct 11, 2007 7:15 AM:
" We can make all the excuses we want regarding being the conquering race etc. The simple difference is that we signed TREATIES with these people and have not honored them. Tricking them into signing away their land in order to get some food for their people or a bottle of cheap whiskey.There is no doubt that billions are missing and the Indian people are owed this money. White men can say "Well, they would just squander it anyway". Well it's theirs to squander! "

rst wrote on Oct 11, 2007 7:07 AM:
" to joseph budd!! one big problem there with your statement we were here before you ever were and those are our lands!! they belong to us!! "

It's we and not you or me wrote on Oct 11, 2007 6:57 AM:
" We own the Black Hills -- all of us Natives, Whites, Blacks, Asians... This is America, and 'we' need to help the pot melt together here in the Rapid City area as they've done in California, Florida, Chicago, and other places. Let's shake hands and go fishing! "

Spearcat wrote on Oct 11, 2007 6:54 AM:
" Lets face it, it will never happen. Everyone just needs to realize the Black Hills will never be given back. We all need to move on. "

Our women take the hit for the rest of us wrote on Oct 11, 2007 6:51 AM:
" Viewing all the diverse comments and oppions of this blog shows the challenges that Elouise Cobell must face on a daily basis. I'm sure she's heard all these types of voices before in trying to do what's right for our people. She should be honored by our SD Native American community as a hero. "

walking the way they've learned wrote on Oct 11, 2007 6:20 AM:
" The average American and this country just do not have the integrity to responsibly address equal rights or treaty issues with the American Indian. They are conditioned to ignore a people that in their history books, no longer exsist. "

SC wrote on Oct 11, 2007 5:51 AM:
" Unfortunately this topic will be in the RC Journal again in 100 years and our great grandchildren will still be fighting the fight for the Black Hills. Sad.... "

Joseph Budd wrote on Oct 11, 2007 3:25 AM:
" Lets ask a few odd questions, since it seems this is the perfect point to do it. Most of the people who complain, on the Lakota side of the coin, try to cite the Laramie Treaty as their basis in point, regarding what is supposedly theirs, and what was treated as their own. This, in effect, is most of Western South Dakota. When we fought Germany, and several other countries, in two world wars, did those nations that LOST the war, come back, and demand reperations from the victors? No, because by term, they lost, both militarily, and economically. Several times, different Native American Tribes fought, and lost, wars. Just like the United States Population, you had military forces, and you had civilians. The major difference, is as large as the US is, compared to the Lakota nation, for example, isn't even close. Now, since the Lakota capitulation, where does the Lakota have a basis, considering they lost the war against the United States? Secondly, based on the fact these same Lakota families, that were presented with Reservations to live on, for being so in touch with the land, seemed to not care for it, but as soon as the Black Hills became a gold mine, it was instantly a point of contention. Now, go look at what the Reservations look like. If they were seperate Nations, without US support, these reservations would rank below, third world countries, in terms of poverty, employment, suicide rates, etc. For a people, who are supposed to respect the Earth....why do they let the land fester, and would you want them to run the Black Hills? Also, try to remember the Yellow Thunder Campground disaster, and ask that again. Lastly, since it seems the journal wouldn't publish the last question, just how much money do you think the lawyers will finally trickle down into the system? The legal issues today, they'll be lucky if they see 20 percent of it. Sure, 100 billion dollars is a lot of money....but if you consider that, even if a judge sides for that much money, most of it won't go to those who need it. It'll go to some pinstriped legal person....and again, it'll show the Lakota aren't interested in land, respect, or a better life. They want money. And to blame someone else for their failures. "

History Lesson wrote on Oct 11, 2007 1:45 AM:
" Ok to all those posting about the Lakota pushing other tribes out of the Black Hills, here is your history lesson for the day.There were other tribes who were pushed out by the Lakota, then along comes the Europeans who tried to push the Lakota out but the Lakota would not move out so the Europeans said let's make peace sign this paper and you will own this land as long as the rivers flow and the grass grows.(1868treaty) Then a guy named Custer discovers gold in the sacred Black Hills of the Lakota.(1875) The Government says sell the land Indian so we can dig for gold the Indian says The Black Hills are not for sale. The Government says ok then we will take the land anyway. The Indians say no we will fight for the land,so the Government sends Guess who? Yup Custer and of course Custer didn't make it home that day, so the government came in with more soldiers killed Indians and made them sign papers (1877)illegally, (1980 supreme cout ruling)and now we all live together happily ever after to blog on the Rapid City Journal. P.S. The Lakota never signed Treaties with other Tribes so thats why the other tribes that were pushed out have no legal rights to the Black Hills lands like the LAkota do!!!Now is that simple enough for y'all "

To: Whatever wrote on Oct 11, 2007 1:16 AM:
" You need to get help at the hospital where you work,sounds like you have some serious issues!Following people to their cars what's up with that? Your comments are very ignorant, and judgemental.There are many natives with jobs now days, this is 2007 we have college degrees now and yes many of us drive nice cars. As far as free health care your government made that possible in the Treaties that are still valid today, Just think of it as rent for the free land your granfathers stole from my grandfathers. By the way your government still owes the native people back rent!!!Also why dosen't anyone complain about the farmers who get checks from the government for not planting on their lands it's just like welfare free money for doing nothing!To the rest of you bloggers who know nothing about the history of South Dakota take a class on SD history maybe you won't be so judgemental. "

To: Whatever wrote on Oct 11, 2007 12:46 AM:
" Your vile retoric is astonishingly represenative of how the whites of SD feel towards Native American in general. Maybe, as we usually have to do, that woman you stalked from the check-out to her car could have recieved a ride from a more well off relative. It happens all the time, then you wonder why there are always so many of us in the car!! What made you instantly assume it was her car ma'am? I work, I have a nice car, I pay taxes and own my own health insurance, I do not drink or do drugs and have no children. So if I were to give my relatives a ride to the store you would assume we are scamming the system? Now, 80% of the world's Millionares/Billionares are WHITE, so by your same argument, shouldn't the whites have more taken from them? Do you not see the illogical argument you have posed? Also Ma'am, I would like to think that being in the Health Care profession for 10+ years as you claim, you would have been taught compassion, apathy and kindness towards your fellow man before being allowed to work with and around people who disgust you so. Ma'am you need to look a little deeper inside of yourself abd ask yourself why you chose that profession in the first place. In closing, I would like to address being "catered" to and respond to the "be real americans" comment. For one, if we we're catered as you so eloquently stated, would we be in this position? Given the history of how this government "caters" to people of color? You seem to be stating that you (the U.S.) assisted with putting us into this situation with your "help", which reinterates the same argument that your Government could have done more but didn't. You admitted that with your last sentence ma'am. As for "real americans", Native Americans have the HIGEST ENLISTMENT/RE-ENLISTMENT PER CAPITA OF ALL RACES, this incluides whites ma'am, please do your research before exploding into a racial tirade. In closing Ma'am, it seems to me you have been burned by a Native in some way or other, maybe in reguards to your spontaneous, out-of-the-blue comment about not being able to adopt a Native baby. Whatever the case may be "whatever!!", you seem to be very angry at something/someone and are using that history to un-intellectual insult a people you work, and live around. It is people like you Ma'am who follow us out to our cars, watch us pay for merchandise, and suspect us of being cheats that help widen the gap on White/Native relations. Just as NOT ALL NATIVES ARE DIRTY DRUNKEN DEADBEATS, NOT ALL WHITES ARE RASIST, SERIAL KILLING REDNECKS. As soon as this backwards state does something to help this situation, there will more than likely be violent reprocussions if Natives are EVER given anything back, be it money or land. Your in my prayers "whatever!!". "

BH_dreamer wrote on Oct 11, 2007 12:24 AM:
" I guess it is that time again, when the US Government fails at working with the Native American population, then wasicu's start saying that the Indians are getting freebies or handouts, well unfortunately, that is all not true, I wish I could get a free hand out and I lived on the reservation and there was nothing free, I worked and the US government took out taxes from 200-300 dollars every two weeks, and I had to survive on paying my rent, car payment and food, nothing is free living on the reservation, yet you say that we are being provided free healthcare and education, but that is all wrong, we have to pay in some sorts and to make it worse it is all poor services being provided, and it is not only the native american population living on the reservation, there are different nationalities along with the white man's race working and living on the reservation in which they get part of those benefits to, in other words the federal dollars being sent to the reservation for programs to provide "so-called" services are being spent on other people aside the native american population, people need to do a little research before finger pointing at the native american population, I truly know racism exists here in south dakota and the only one's that know about are the one's it happens to, for those that say racism does not exist have never gone through that ordeal, and it happens everyday, as for the black hills belonging to the sioux and cheyenne and others saying it does not as there was people before them, how would you know it belong to someone else, reading articles, books or documents does not prove anything, like it has been said before, they are words written that can be changed, that is something to think about, as for tribal casinos on the reservation, the one on my reservation does have a casino but it does not generate enough money to give to the tribe let alone tribal members, when the agreement was first made, it said all tribal enrolled members will receive a stipend every month, well that does not happen and it never did, the casino only generates enough to operate on a daily basis, as for the services that tribal members receive on the reservation such as food stamps, commodities or any so-called "help" program is all assisting other nationalities along with the white man's race, they receive the same assistance that a person receives living in a city, there is no difference, as for the older generation that keep saying things about paying taxes and their money being sent to the reservation, well more news, not only does that money come to the reservation but it is also being sent to the state and counties, and of course Washington, DC, to keep those politicians happy and the other thing is that, yes, you may have paid taxes back in the day, thinking that you have retirement, but all that has run out now, what I mean is that all the money you paid in taxes has been spend on war efforts for the US and now the war deparmtent is in the red, so those checks you are receiving on a monthly basis (thinking your retirment that you paid in taxes) is currenlty being paid by the working class at the moment, my taxes I pay every two weeks is paying for someone monthly check somewhere, and I am thinking the same thing, I have money coming back to me when I get to the age group but I know I will not since it is being paid out now to someone else, so in other words "the money is all the same that is being sent as federal programs to reservations USA wide and those are the same funds that cities, counties and states receive" they just rename the program differently so it looks more like a hand-out to some. And as for the person who said "that what happened over 100 years ago, forget it and move on or you wouldn't get anywhere", well more news for you, how could a race of people forget something like watching their families get slaughtered in front of them, their language, culture and history being wiped out and told to learn a language (english), go to church and live like a white man, well that would be like living a lie, that is something you cannot forget no matter how hard you try, and in this day and age, the white man's race never lets you forget because they practice what they like and that is "racism", and when you mistreat someone like that they cannot forget and they will be reminded of such horrible things from the past, and another person was saying give back the black hills but charge the native americans for all the buildings and houses and properties on the site, well all I can tell you is that no native american will pay for any ungodly sight that sits on the black hills that is to be returned, in other words take all the man-made projects with you, because the black hills was fine being untouched, that is what made is so magnificant, but now it is a tourist attraction and alot of people waving around papers saying that the land belongs to them because they pay taxes (remember it is white man's taxes not the native americans), but on a lighter note in history, back in the 1890's when the white man's government started the reservations and enrollment procedures for tribes, I know my tribe is not only of lakota, there were other tribal nations that were included as lakota (example: arikara, cheyenne, objibiway) because during that time, if Indians were not on a reservation by such a time, they were considered hostile and deemed to be killed or imprisoned, morely killed, but that is how it goes I guess. And now this could go on and on but who really cares, nowadays it is all about money, who pays and who gets "it". There is no such thing as "honor thy neighbor" or "good ol' christians", they don't exist anymore. "

Oglala Lakota Winyan wrote on Oct 10, 2007 11:28 PM:
" Everyone's crabbing about taxes, free health care what not, I look it as rent payments, you are renting this country from us. You people came here with nothing, crowded us and now the tables have turned. And I do believe that your VISA has expired about 100 years ago. "America" was built on lies and continues today. The American Government has a Treaty with the original people of this country. The Government lied to us by dishonoring the Treaty a long time ago. As far as food stamps and other so called "freebies" we receive, I see low income non natives receiving those "freebies" too. Some non natives are so desperate because they don't have health insurance, they scam, lie, and cheat to get seen at the Indian Health Service clinics, now that is REAL sad. By the way, Indian Health Service is part of that Treaty we signed with the US Government, so is our monthly commodities (which isn't good to our health) just to name a few. SO WHAT I AM SAYING IS IF YOU CAN'T PAY YOUR RENT, GET OUT! The US thinks and believes they can go to any country in this world and civilize everyone. They should just leave well enough alone, it's always a mess when they leave. HMMM, wonder if it's possible to send them to MARS, aw no, they'll just pollute and destroy that planet just like this Mother Earth. "

WOW!!! WOW! wrote on Oct 10, 2007 11:21 PM:
" 'Whatever' has some very deep anger issues that should be addressed before someone gets hurt. All I can do is chuckle and shake my head at your reply. Boy, am I happy I don't have your problems. C'mon, you can't honestly say that Native Americans are the only ones that use food stamps and drive nice cars, or that Native Americans are the only ones drunk in Rapid City, (what about the nonIndians that I see at the stoplights holding signs, "Will work for food."); or that Natives are the only ones that receive "free" health care (You should be familiar with Medicaid and Medicare.); or that the Government only caters to Natives and that Natives are the only ones that refuse to grow up and act like real Americans. As far as the adopting a Native baby...would you really want to have one? After all the cussin' & fussin' over their people? I thought people in Health Care were caring and compassionate people; I pray to God that you are not in direct Patient Care. "

Ahtay wrote on Oct 10, 2007 10:44 PM:
" Like "WOW' who posted earlier, I am also a Lakota who resides off of my SD reservation. I am in another state where I am finishing my higher education degree. I am quick to read the stories, and especially their accompanying blogs, posted on the RCJ that have anything to do with land issues and the just compensation long overdue to my people. It too serves as a reminder of why I moved away from SD and why any family should not be raised there. One good thing that comes from the ignorant and racist postings is that we are able to utilize them in our university courses regarding racialized societies / ideology and essentially what NOT to become. Thank you RCJ for essentially hosting a forum which provides the needed fodder that allows us to teach young people more honorable ways of co-existing and concepts of true justice, all by using the ignorant beliefs of the SD residents choosing to let out their true innner selves. As you read this, the story and related blogs are being passed amongst university/college systems across the country. Keep the postings going good ol' SD. "

whatever!!!! wrote on Oct 10, 2007 10:41 PM:
" I just want to say a few things. I do believe there are some natives that do hold a job and get taxes taken out like everyone else that holds a job here.. but, and I repeat but.. NOT VERY MANY. I see it all the time.. natives with food stamps, yet driving really nice vehicles, natives that go into wal mart and buy plasma tv's and pay for it with cash... i was in line at wal mart one day and was behind a native woman and she had a cart full of stuff, paid food stamps, followed her outside and was loading it into a very nice 2006 intrepid. Now you tell me how can she afford a nice car yet pay for food with stamps... things like that is what pisses us off the most. Most natives do get free healthcare.. i work at the hospital and have for 10 pllus years, so I know how many natives i've taken care of that they get everything paid for just because they are indian. It's not fair, and it never will be fair... also, why the hell can't white people adopt a native baby if they wanted to?? Were all being equal here you all say right?? As long as that baby is being cared and loved for, who gives a crap if a white couple want to adopt a native baby. Why make that such a big damn deal. If you want to be equal.. let's be equal.. pay for your own damn hospital stays, and pay for your own food not food stamps when you can afford to drive a fancy car, pay for taxes and get real jobs, quit buying booze and sleeping under bridges and at the prairie market. Quit taking advantage of the goverment.. we've catered to you long enough.. now grow up and start acting like real damn americans. "

Just the Facts wrote on Oct 10, 2007 10:33 PM:
" Well said Mr ABC. "

huh wrote on Oct 10, 2007 10:27 PM:
" Our "Free" Health Care is dismal, yet we cannot receive any of these so called benefits off the reservations. Our "Free" land is dismal inside of our Reservation. We do not flourish monetarily as there are close to 50,000 Sioux and one small Casino, we do not recieve per capitas as 80% of Native Americans do. The bottom line is, The U.S. Givernment is and seems to always punish the Sioux people. We were the LAST tribe to assimilate to Reservations, we wipped out one of their best Calveries and in the process killed an american hero to the whites, shaming the Gov. We fought the entire Govermnment in the 70's (Wounded Knee). They tried to buy us our Black Hills in the 80's, we would not take it and still will not.We have been a thorn in the side of the U.S. Government since it's establishment, which is why we receive little to no restitution in any matters, political or not. Granted we do need to do alot of internal renovations, but that does not justify completely and utterly reneging on agreeded apon laws/treaties. I understand the whites feeling confrontational about this whole situation, as they are mostly middle class white families who have yet to feel even the slightest hunger pangs, thus rendering us and our struggles as unrelatable. If this were a foreign country doing this to its people, we, the United States, would step in as we always do and police the situation. Why for the love of all things can we not do that for our own people? So, the next time you r think of "free" anything pertainging to Native Americans, remember we only get "free" hand me downs from the Government, things already picked over by the non native have nots. Those FICA trucks rolling into Pine Ridge ever so often come here only AFTER tending to the needs of non natives. The Doctors working at the IHS VERY OFTEN have medical malpractices suits against them or they have had them in other states. Only the most unwanted Physicians are hired at IHS, they have no other choices and we pay them good money and give them houses. Not all Doctors are as such, but 2/3s are. Not only that, but the take on over 100 cases a day. We hardly have running water and what we do have is contaminated from all of the bombings and mining done in the Badlands, WE ARE DOWNHILL FROM THESE PLACES!!! So, the next time the whites suspect being Native American will work to an advantage, ask yourself then why am I so relieved that I am not? "

To AJ Hartje: wrote on Oct 10, 2007 10:25 PM:
" Please explain your first immigrant myth.. I am interested as we Lakota have a creation theory that contradicts your immigrant myth...So please explain your land mass breaking apart Pangea myth or better yet please explain your ice age bridge from nowhere myth.. both are interesting sides of a great storytelling session that is permitted in schools...If your myths hold true why do we Native Americans have a part of our DNA that no other race has that White people pay thousands of dollars to find out they have so they can claim they are Native??? "

Accountability wrote on Oct 10, 2007 10:15 PM:
" What if the US government were held to the same standards of accountability (money-wise) as the reservation governments are?? I always read about embezzlement or mismanagement of funds on the reservations. Is that money ever repaid?? Where is that accountability? "

Norbeck Society Owns Hills wrote on Oct 10, 2007 10:00 PM:
" You people and this article have it all wrong. The real owners of the Black Hills is the Norbeck Society. They told me so. No one else has the right to do anything unless they say so. "

Ridge Runner wrote on Oct 10, 2007 9:55 PM:
" Dont you think it would be fun to get all the bloggers in one room? I would love to see if anyone would have the courage to say these things face to face. I sure do. "

abc wrote on Oct 10, 2007 9:52 PM:
" This is not about ancient treaties. It is about rental and royalty payments for indian-owned land. They are contending that oil and gas leases were either offered to others at discount rates or the indians did not get the money that the government collected on their behalf. Same with grazing payments. If the government owes indians the money, pay them. If the government assumed the responsibility for being the agent for the land and cheated them either intentionally or by negligence, they have to be liable. It doesn't matter if it is a $1 or a $1billion....the concept is the same. By the way, I am a 51 year old, white, republican. "

NO FREEBEES! wrote on Oct 10, 2007 9:27 PM:
" REMINDER, Christopher Columbus DID NOT discover America..... He discovered NATIVE AMERICANS!!! Native Americans DO NOT receive FREE education, FREE health care, FREE nothing! They pay taxes just like their neighbor! To those who think Indians get "FREEBEES" think AGAIN! Don't stereotype all Native Americans because of isolated incidences, we were all put on this earth for a reason... some people (Natives, too) are a little more fortunate than others. Take pride in our country! If the money was yours... wouldn't you take an interest? "

north too wrote on Oct 10, 2007 9:24 PM:
" READ THE STORY ---- It's about trust land owned by individual Indians. The Black Hills are NOT trust lands. THE MONEY from the payments for: timber sales, oil leases, coal mining, etc. "

Truth Teller wrote on Oct 10, 2007 9:17 PM:
" The Lakota broke the treaties, too. End of story! "

poor me wrote on Oct 10, 2007 8:44 PM:
" Sure tired of all the poor me. Go ahead, give them back the hills but make sure it is as bare as it was then. No houses, no roads, no electricity, no gas lines, no gambling ect. These were all white men inventions. Or we could simply charge them for the cost of putting it all in and the many years of maintence. Wonder who would owe who money then. Get off your high horses and join civilization and try to make better lives for all. Money isn't going to help anyone if you don't know or understand how to make it work for you. Seems to me that if all that was handed over it would be gone in very short order. Then who will you go to. Hope the tribes before the Sioux have lawsuits ready and waiting. Make the Natives accountable for their own. No more free ride. "

To: To think about it wrote on Oct 10, 2007 8:44 PM:
" You are living in a dream land. Lets face the simple facts of what took place over 100 years ago; it was called Manifest Destiny. You stand the same chance of getting the land back you claim is "close" as Manhattan being returned to the tribes that inhabited it. "

KB wrote on Oct 10, 2007 8:20 PM:
" This has become a very SAD situation. My Cherokee ancestors were productive, and even some wealthy. They had it down to a fine art until the trail of tears. Even in Oklahoma they started the same communities and farming lives they had in NC. THAT was before the land rush, Oil, and reservations. But one thing most have in common is a great sense of Pride and Achievement. AND that goes a long way in the fact that some Native Americans in Oklahoma are very wealthy without government programs that would have held them back. They have a great will to succeed and most of them have. "

Kokopelli wrote on Oct 10, 2007 8:19 PM:
" Actually the Sioux Nations were compensated when the Supreme Court established a legal basis for the compensation of illegally-seized Native American lands (Fort Laramie Treaty) under United States vs. Sioux Nations. In 1980 the federal courts awarded the Sioux Nations 17.5 million dollars for the market value of the land in 1877, along with 5% interest for 103 years and an additional 105 million dollars for lands that were abrogated in the Act of 1877 . The Tribes and its members are not subject, against their will, to depend on the federal government to provide for them. They are free to go wherever they wish while abiding to the laws that every other person is asked to abide by on the exterior of the sovereign boundaries. Any person that lives in the US is granted the same opportunities as your neighbor no matter what you cultural or ethnic background may be. Knowing right from wrong while still having the freedom to make choices that will be in the best interest of yourself and your family is gauranteed to all. For we are all citizens of the United States. No government is perfect, not the US government nor Tribal government, each has its downfalls and mis-managements, each has broken laws or legal binding contracts, and each has been or will be held accountable. And unfortunately those downfalls and mis-managements affect us all as US Citizens! "

to "AJ Hartje" wrote on Oct 10, 2007 8:11 PM:
" "Let's" = plural possessive. "

WOW! wrote on Oct 10, 2007 8:11 PM:
" I am a Lakota woman from South Dakota currently living out of state. I enjoy reading the RCJ online when I get the time. I'm glad I caught this article and the related blog. It is a reminder WHY I do not wish to move "home" and raise my children there! Thank you to everyone who posted for showing the world how ignorant the residents of South Dakota can be. "

Jerry wrote on Oct 10, 2007 8:09 PM:
" The real problem stemmed from Manifest Destiny. The idea that the continent and all the natives and indiginous life forms were to be used or dispensed with as the government, acting agents, or settlers saw fit to do. If it was up to me as caucasian, I'd give the Indian all the land between Rapid City and Sioux Falls, half of North Dakota, eastern Montana and Wyoming, all of Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. Just as long as the bear, wolf, bison, coyote, mountain lion, and prairie dog were allowed to proliferate. That is from the heart. The natives of all species were exploited. "

DJK wrote on Oct 10, 2007 7:51 PM:
" Hot button topic. First, let me say this. I am white, and my personal feelings is that the Native American people have been mistreated for years. That said, here are some cold hard facts. Regarding the Laramie Treaty et al. The United States historically has been a "conquistador" in the same way the Spanish were. We wanted CA, AZ, NM, UT and others, so we first offered to buy it from Mexico. They said no. So, we went to war, took the territories, and then paid them a measley amount for them. Well, guess what, they aren't getting it back. Unless they decide to become imperialists and come up with some new weapon that we don't have. Using the same analogy to the Native American population. Past wrongs (and do I ever mean WRONGS) done by the US Gov't and my white ancestors does not guarantee future compensation. What has been done has been done. Paraphrasing the words of Bill Cosby, the sooner you can put the past behind you, the sooner you can start looking toward the future. Peace be with all. "

to think about it wrote on Oct 10, 2007 7:50 PM:
" The Lakota did not lose the land because they were defeated. This nation made a Treaty with them then broke the treaty. As a nation we honor our treaties. The 1.2 million acre's that is now national forest along with several hundred thousand acre's of BLM land could be returned in a short period of time. "

COLLEGE STUDENT wrote on Oct 10, 2007 7:47 PM:
" Wow I Go To School At Black Hills State University and I Major In AMERICAN INDIAN STUDIES, So To The People Who Think Natives Tribes Were Not Here First, Come With Me For A Day In The Life I Live, And Let Me Teach You A Few Things! And I Do Agree That The Gov't On The Reservation Sucks! But Trust Me It Will Change, Even If I HAVE TO DO IT MY SELF! I Love My People! I Am Not Racist, But Reading These Comments I See Racism And Now I Am Scared To Go Outside, Well Not Really But Now I Will Look Over My Shoulder More. And To Who Ever Asked Yes! I Meant Lakota, Thats What I Am, And Native Americans Were Always Around The Black Hills, Thats Like Asking Where Europeans Came From. Some One Show Me Proof Natives Were Not Here First PLEASE!! Dont Test Me I Take A Class Devoted To Native American History! "

AJ Hartje wrote on Oct 10, 2007 7:34 PM:
" To HUH: Telling people to get over it is not likely to work. The ability to continue to claim that they're an oppressed and cheated people is the lone thing that distinguishes the descendants of the first migrants to this land. It's generally all we hear from them, and it's the flag they wave highest. Demanding that they stop complaining is like demanding they surrender their identities at this point. Oddly enough, the belief that the lands were stolen from them is more the fault of the U.S. government than it is the tribes. Taken in the grand scheme of history, the U.S. simply should have never offered any sort of treaty to anyone to begin with. By doing so, you only end up with complications like we're seeing today. The land the tribes claim has always been ridiculously vast, considering the nomadic nature of many of them. How peoples that migrate back and forth with the seasons and the game can claim they ever actually "owned" any parcel of land, let alone these expansive tracts, takes a considerable amount of gall. BUT, the U.S. decided to do things the diplomatic way, and now they're paying the price. As for this story, it doesn't really look like there's much of substance in it. I trust this will get hashed out, and will lose no sleep over it. Take care. "

Bruce - Tatanka Ihanbla wrote on Oct 10, 2007 6:56 PM:
" Re: It's like catching pigs Oct 10, 2007 4:31 PM - As a Lakota man, for this very reason I registered with the Republican Party and temporarily made myself an anathema to American Indians (mostly registered with the Democrat Party). However my party seems to be walking into the pen itself. For several years I have been warning South Dakota citizens that they are headed toward becoming a reservation. I do need to make one distiction. The pigs did not have a treaty, which are made between people. "

? wrote on Oct 10, 2007 6:43 PM:
" The Native Americans were nomads..they traveled all over the area that is now Montana, Wyoming, North and South Dakota and Nebraska. Not sure how they can lay claim to the area when they were nothing other than drifters. "

Shame on you wrote on Oct 10, 2007 6:09 PM:
" Where were the whistle blowers within the inter-agencies and government officials that wittnessed the practices and policies of mismangement over the generations that this has been going on? "

It goes way back wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:57 PM:
" South Dakota as a State has benefited from the American Indian being poor via mismanaged resources and lands. Millions of dollars roll into this State each year because of the numbers the Indian head count offers to the face of disparity in this Country. We can not dismiss the fact that South Dakota leadership knew of the policies and practice of the Department of Interior in it's management acitivites to tribal share holders. Why did they turn a blinds eye to what was going on? There's too much money involved to think that a good ol' boy circle didn't know what was going on? How is the system any better as we speak? Who is profitting from the past and present mismanagment? Same ol' questions with no clear answers. "

Bruce - Tatanka Ihanbla wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:54 PM:
" Re: Reading between the lines Oct 10, 2007 2:59 PM - The 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty boundary begins from the east bank of the Missouri River, skirts both North Dakota and Nebraska borders and meeting Wyoming to the west. This boundary was ratified by US legislators and president. Today's map set Indian agency boundaries as reservations because of what happened on March 2, 1889. On that date (and on one hand) Congress brought shame to US citizens by declaring new Indian reservations (and on the other), nobly prepared a way for the Dakota Territory to become North Dakota and South Dakota on November 2, 1889. This action violated the Peace Treaty at many levels. The reason why the poorest counties of the United States are in South Dakota is because of government programming. Congressional Acts, Judicial Case Law, department policies and Executive Orders severely diminished quality of life for plains Indians. Indian poverty has nothing to do with defeat but mostly dishonor. "

shoulda woulda coulda.... wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:53 PM:
" Should have taken the money when they woulda paid it upfront and you coulda been benefiting from it for allthe years if managed and invested... "

not a college student wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:51 PM:
" To native college student. You tell someone to read history books! Hate to break it to you but there were no horses in North America before the Europeans settled in this country so had could your people have their horses taking from them by the first settlers? Just curious! "

Lawsuits can last forever wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:49 PM:
" I'm sure that many Native Americans aren't holding their breath for this money. I am looking forward to Native American month in November, but I'm not looking forward to the blogs. If anything is mentioned about nonWhite minorities, some of the comments that surface portray SD as a backward, red-necked, racist State. "

stupid wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:47 PM:
" I just can't believe how stupid some people can be. If the government cam in and took you yard from the front of you house you would want money for it "same thing". If they came into your yard and took the gold or cut down your tree you would want money. So all you people who are mad because you don't get anything from the govt. get over it "

JA wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:44 PM:
" People are complaining that 'why should I have to pay higher taxes for what happened a century ago'? No, you shouldn't have to pay for the theft of Natives' land, just like you shouldn't have to BENEFIT from the theft either. So, you all might want to pay up or go back to Europe. Living on stolen land is living on stolen land, even 100 years later. "

RE: Interested Party wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:44 PM:
" That makes too much common sense to be true, wanna try again? I can only handle so much TRUTH at a time! "

Actually, it is just a story written to prove a a parable. wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:42 PM:
" Pig Story wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:20 PM: " Give credit to the FOREIGN exchange student, not the author of the post. The student is the genius, not the poster. " ------ look it up on the web and you will find it in several places (none of which had an author listed)...I even found it on a John Edwards blog!...who would have thought that? "

Huh? wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:33 PM:
" It's 2007. Let's get over it. Can the frivilous lawsuits and let's get on with being Americans. You don't always get what you want; sometimes you get something you didn't ask for. End of story. "

interested party wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:26 PM:
" This is rule of law. Treaty obligations compel the Congress of the United States to compensate indigenous peoples for the loss of the lands appropriated by the Lousiana Purchase. Vaguely articulated in the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty, genocide has never been clearly articulated because culpability has never been clearly assigned. None of this is a secret, though, in a constitutional system an apology is an admission of guilt. Since land is at the core of this dispute, and remember that Congress abrogated this treaty, nothing prevents the tribes from further litigating their claim to Federal holdings. Why isn't this lawsuit better covered? This is a legitimate news story never covered well enough by a press and a populace occupied with American football and popular culture. "

Immigrant wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:23 PM:
" This changes everything. My family wasn't even here until the 50's. I think my taxes should be exempt. I WANT MY MONEY BACK!! "

shawn wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:21 PM:
" Perhaps I was misinformed, but didn't Native American tribes constantly fight each other for control over certain areas of land, namely, the Black Hills? If we were to retroactively "buy" it from them then, who do we make the check out to? Do we split it evenly between the different tribes who fought over it, or just whichever tribe controlled it when the white men took over? "

Pig Story wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:20 PM:
" Give credit to the FOREIGN exchange student, not the author of the post. The student is the genius, not the poster. "

My odds are better with SD Powerball wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:17 PM:
" It's not like winning the SD Powerball. No one is going to get rich quick and it will take another 11 years to create a mechanism for any type of payment process. By then, who knows if it will be considered a victory or not? "

Please...let me in on this wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:16 PM:
" Buck Up states that for being just Native American we get free education, housing and a monthly check. How many peolple actually believe this? I am Native American, I had federal assistance (PELL GRANT) for college, I always had to pay rent and I never, I'll say it again, NEVER received a free check. I am more to these stereotypes; get to know me and you will see that I am independent, educated and I am not taking advantage of anything. As far as the billions owed, it is money that the US Government mismanaged. Whether anyone likes it or not, the US promised things in a written document and didn't hold up their end of the deal. That is why a white cannot sue a Native for someone killing their great, great, great, great relative years ago. The LEGAL written document is the basis of all this. If you want to be mad at someone, don't take it out on the Natives. After all it was our Government that promised all this, in writing, and didn't fulfill their end of the deal. "

HCR wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:15 PM:
" TO IT'S LIKE CATCHING PIGS: You are a genius! I would love to shake your hand. This peice of literature should be not only sent to our government but to every other country in the world that is receiving government aide from the United States. "

Lets get real wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:06 PM:
" The billions that should have been paid to settle this issue are in the hands of Blackwater USA, the tribal leaders of Iraq and Afganistan and what ever is left at the end of the campaign will never see the hand of an American Indian. "

That was then this is now wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:01 PM:
" I am against the war in Iraq. Our troops should have stayed here and guarded our borders and evacuated the terrorists. My children and grandchildren will no doubt pay for social security and the war. How is giving 100 million to native americans going to solve that issue? I think the government needs to keep that money for social security and fix the infrastructure and laws need to be made to end corruption. "

Hmmm....US Constitution wrote on Oct 10, 2007 5:01 PM:
" I don't remember signing this or the 1868 Treaty. Therefore; these are just pieces of paper that don't carry any weight! Duh(Another example of backwards thinking in SD.) "

I am not a pig wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:58 PM:
" All Americans aren't pigs. This story is interesting and shows how the US Government can enable ALL Americans. Boy, am I glad I broke free of those chains. "

Sign on the dotted line wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:56 PM:
" I don't remember signing the U.S. constitution. Does that mean it has no validity over my life? "

Friendly Choice? wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:55 PM:
" Native Americans weren't always given a friendly choice. Many of our Grandfathers were given the same choice as the Russian Grandfather; some chose to remain alive and others died fighting for their people. The idea of reprarations and reservations may seem absurd to some, but it is a reality. The US was trying to diplomatic; it's only a huge headache because obligations were not fulfilled. What is really absurd is the welfare comment. Some of my 'White' friends wished they didn't have to be on welfare during college. Not all Indians receive welfare; just because your 'White" doesn't mean you are hardworking, educated, or rich. A lot of these comments just make SD one of the racist states in the Country; I am glad I'm not part of it!! I am thankful that I can relate to my Tribe and nonIndians. It all goes back to fearing the unknown; that fear turns into believing the stereotypes. If people just got to know one another, there would be some kind of understanding. "

RE: then vs now wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:51 PM:
" You don't wanna pay for the responsibilities of your ancestors? In the same breath the American voter is willing to let our children and our grandchildren pay for the current war in the middle east. Our children and grandchildren will be paying for our social security mess, our lack of attention to our U.S. infrastructure. They too will be angry about having to pay for things they had no control. No doubt they'll be trying pass the buck as that is the American mindset that they'll learn from Americanized history. "

Re: Pig story wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:47 PM:
" Wow. Very good analogy.. I love it. "

1868 Fort Laramie Treaty wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:46 PM:
" I really dont remember signing this treaty.... "

WARRIORS AMONG US wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:45 PM:

That was then this is now wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:43 PM:
" I wasnt even alive when all this happened so now I am supposed to pay higher taxes to pay for what happened completely out of my control. I dont think that is fair at all. I should file a law suit that my great, great, great, great grandfather was killed by a native american and I want someone's ancestor that is alive today to go to jail for their great, great, great, great grandfather murdering my grandfather. Not really fair is it? That makes about as much sense as this whole thing. "

Out of State wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:41 PM:
" I am living out of SD right now but I do read the Journal posts and I must say, I am totally appalled at the comments that border on racism and that means the comments on all sides of the issue. I suggest that those white readers raising cane here get a copy of the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie and educate yourselves and I suggest that the Arikara man get himself a history book also. Recent studies, according to Oglala Lakota attorney Mario Gonzales, places the Lakota in Western SD more than 100 years prior to when the white history books would place them. His facts are duly substantiated. But my advise is to quit the sniping and get educated on the subject matter. "

A deserved free meal wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:38 PM:
" A truely FREE education (maybe even a substantial tax break) to all decendents of the original land owner would be a good start. Then the haters would have right to say I got a free education from the United States government. "

re: quality wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:38 PM:
" If this is always the case, why is it then that Germany, Japan, and Italy are all countries free and independent of the U.S.of A? If the U.S. could wipe the slate clean with these countries, and even help rebuild, why can't they help the ones who historically helped them? I feel that if it were not for the Native American the U.S. of A's only cultural contribution to the world would be sky scrapers and strip malls. Why is it that the U.S. is so quick to right so many of the Earth's wrongs why can not they right the wrongs they made in their own back yard. "

Tired of the whining wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:33 PM:
" In 1917 my grandfather was given a choice not as friendly as what was given the Native Americans. His choice was to be killed and buried in a mass grave, be sent to a Siberian labor camp, or go to America. The later was not really given to him as a choice but more a secret alternative. Fortunately he chose the later. Pennyless, he escaped from Russia, and with the help of friends and family in America, he settle in South Dakota, farmed and picked rocks all his life. He was very thankful to be an American and ALIVE. He made is choise like we all do and he never complained about it. The moral of the story is; if you don't like it, Russia has room for you! By the way, I never heard this man speak anything other than English in his home or elsewhere!! "

It's like catching pigs wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:31 PM:
" There was a Chemistry professor in a large college that had some Exchange Students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab the Prof noticed one young man (exchange student) who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist government. In the midst of his story he looked at the professor and asked a strange question. He asked, 'Do you know how to catch wild pigs?'The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said this was no joke. 'You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a Fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence.They get used to that and start to eat again You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, who are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat, you slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd. Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.' The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening to America. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/socialism and keeps spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for nearned income, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc. While we continually lose our freedoms- just A little at a time. One should always remember 'There is no such thing as a free Lunch!'Also, 'You can never hire someone to provide a service for you Cheaper than you can do it yourself. Also, if you see that all of this wonderful government 'help' is a problem confronting the future of democracy in America stand up and be counted. If you think the free ride is essential to your way of life God help you when the gate slams shut! "

If the label fits... wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:28 PM:
" Nothing inflames the Rapid City blog community more than a news release about the injustices done to the American Indian. It brings out the crab pulling each other down in the bucket mentality, the haves verses the have nots. Should we believe that there is still so much hate between our cultures that an injustice such as this story speaks to is minimized because of our learned intolerance of our neighbors? Didn't our mothers tell us everyday as we walked out the door to respect ourselves and those around us? If two cultures can't come together to speak to injustice than we deserve to be called the backward State that others make fun of. "

Bruce - Tatanka Ihanbla wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:26 PM:
" It is obvious that we have two South Dakotas by the comments written here. On side understands South Dakota history while the other doesn't. The 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty was struck between nations to acknowledge the need for peace. It seems we haven't achieved "peace" and probably will not until we agree about historical events and correct those that violate national integrity and responsibilities. Someone will try to argue that we shouldn't dwell on the past in order to brush truth under the rug. I wonder if reading the Bible, the Koran or the US Constitution is dwelling on the past? The US Congress and President deemed the 1868 Treaty important enough to sign. For some reason these Branches of government spent more resources in violating the treaty compared to honoring it. It should come as no surprise to anyone why the world doesn't trust the US when it agrees to peace but cannot keep its end of the bargain. "

Ree wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:26 PM:
" I too am "Native American" on both the white side of my family and the Indian side of my family. My Indian blood is Arikara and Ree Warrior is right, we were here long before the Sioux. They took our land from us, why should they be rewarded for their theft? The Gataka Apache were here before us and we intermarried with them so we are the only remnant of the first people. We need to get sell off the reservations, divide the money among all the registered tribal members, and move on into the real world where we either take responsibility for our own lives or suffer the consequences! "

Lakota_Warrior wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:24 PM:
" People are commenting cut the housing and all the funding off to the indians, hmmmmmm don't the cities also give low-rent housing to non-indian people, I have never been on welfare but i do know of people that have been and when i have taken them to the welfare office, I also see non-indian people there also...I think the point is being missed here, rather or not the issue came from one tribe or another what counts is that we be paid for what was taken from us and if it is another tribe then pay them reference to the ree and other tribes that make comments about us sioux always remember one thing;" United we are strong, divided we fall" and no matter how much you ree indians kiss the non-indians rear ends you are not going to get anything for it, when your people scouted for the army and fought against us, what happened to you, you still ended up getting the shaft, so why not do it right this time and join us in getting what is ours, if you feel you are owed a share then join us...or ARE WE THE ONLY ONE'S TO STAND ALONE AGAIN AND FIGHT AGAINST WHAT IS WRONG!!! "

To College Student wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:20 PM:
" Your quote - The white people just killed them off and moved them to reservations. I am not sure who you mean by 'We' so I will assume you mean 'The Lakota or Sioux'. With that in mind, when the Lakota or Sioux came to the Black Hills, who did they take the land from? "

BLACK HILLS NATIVE (WHITE) wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:15 PM:
" Why does the government have to take care of the indian people?? They have their own government, which does not work very well, let them handle their own money and when it is gone, it is gone. The tribes and indian people have more money from gaming them most of the white people I know. Learn to take care of yourselves and stop blaming the white people for every bad thing that happens. "

quality? wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:12 PM:
" The whole idea of reparations and reservations is absurd. Throughout history conquered people were forced to assimilate or perish. The U.S. tried to be diplomatic instead of the traditional route and it's still causing a headache centuries later. "

Smarter than a 5th grader wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:11 PM:
" It's an injustice that our South Dakota school systems have not done a very good job at all at educating our citizens about the issues which affect the American Indian people of South Dakota. So many misconceptions by "educated" South Dakotans. It's funny when emotions and sterotypes speak louder than truth. "

Perpetual and living agreements wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:02 PM:
" Personal resonsibility is not a trait of the average American. Why should we then think that our leaders are any more responsible than the citizens that put them in office? As Tribal Nations, why don't they petition the United Nations to advocate for us as we they do for other indigenous populations of the world? Oh yeah, it's hard to think outside of the box when the box has Property of the U.S. government stamped all over it! "

reviewer!!! wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:01 PM:
" I've been commenting but the reviewer won't print it!!! One time i said the journal needs a new reviewer.see if this one makes it!! The opinions above are from readers of and in no way represent the views of the Rapid City Journal or Lee Enterprises. encourages readers to offer their opinions on our local stories. We ask that readers keep their comments on topic and avoid derogatory comments about fellow readers on the blog. Our goal is to promote a civil discussion about the news of the day and items of interests for those in the community. We will never edit or alter your comments, but we do reserve the right to not post or to remove comments that violate our code of conduct. For this reason, comments are first reviewed and may not post immediately, especially during overnight/weekend hours. No comment may contain: Potentially libelous statements. Obscene, explicit, or racist language. Personal attacks, insults, or threats Commercial products or promotions "

COLLEGE STUDENT wrote on Oct 10, 2007 4:00 PM:
" Well we actually own the black hills, and they were never for sale. the money is still there, but there was never a deal. i think all the white people that built houses there owe use rent. and this article just shows how bad the gov't did natives wrong! I dont get help from the gov't in anyway i am in college because of scholarships that i worked hard for! what about my ancestors? the white people just killed them with no chance then moved us to reservations! and we dont have nothing to complain about! we were always treated bad and we still are today, and we are supposed to get over it? thats crazy! i aint goin to roll over and die. well IAM NOT going to and if i have to do something about it i will! "

Buck up wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:57 PM:
" The Indians need to learn to live their lives with what they have. You cannot depend on someone or some entity to support you. They have more opportunities available to them that the remaining population doesn't get offered, i.e. college scholarships, monthly check, housing, etc. All of that just for being called Indian American. Stop taking advantage of something that happened long before you even were even thought of being conceived and make something of yourself. "

well!! wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:55 PM:
" I say just give them the Black Hills but no more of any knid of payments!!!! And just think it would only take a couple of years for the black hills to look the Pine Ridge Reservation!!!!! COOL!!! "

Native College Student wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:49 PM:
" To ME: It is quite evident that you haven't read your history books! You talk of beating dead horses, there was no horses to beat because the settlers and gold diggers took our horses and property by force. You might want to enroll in Indian Federal Law and take a couple of American History Classes. Then make an educated opinion! "

rediculous wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:48 PM:
" Considering the Billions upon billions of dollars that are given to the tribes for them to squander, the government doesn't owe them a dime! Free houses, Free land, Free healthcare, free highways and maintenance. It's time for these so called "Sovereign Nations" to take care of themselves. No more Governement welfare, No More free healthcare, No more free housing, no more money, PERIOD. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES FOR ONCE! Quit waiting or suing for more free handouts! "

haters wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:47 PM:
" whites in rapid city sure complain when it comes to natives, or other minorities but if there is one thing that is a reality it is that there are more whites on welfare in rapid city then any other race that i know and what is welfare if it is not govt. funding. "

Ree Warrior wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:46 PM:
" I dig how this is all based on I'm entitled. Let's have a small history lesson. The earliest evidence of the Sioux to this area was in Minnesotta in 1796. Before that the only tribes were the Arikara(Ree), Mandan, Hidatsa etc. Living in established communities and built long standing earth dwellings......civilized. The Sioux came, much like they say the white man did to them, and attacked these peaceful tribes. The first confrontation of western native and the whiteman were the Ree. Guess who aligned with the whites to help wipe out the Ree........the Sioux. WAR WITH THE SIOUX AND A CASE OF SMALL POX NEARLY WIPED OUT MY PEOPLE. So, if the Sioux get anything....I will sue the Sioux for my share of what they took from me. But wait, that was 180 years ago. I take personal responsibilty for myself and move on. Because of my heritage I had oportunities many of my friendS did not. I utilized the opportunity for college and am now able to give back. Reservations have not only put our people in a box, but also our thinking. What is this money going to do. We have had money thrown at us for years. No amount of money will change negative thinking. Our future generations are at risk and it isn't because of the white man. That was yesterday. What are we going to do today, for tomorrow. "

Lakota-Warrior wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:41 PM:
" come on journal print my comment "

That always cracks me up wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:40 PM:
" The term "You people". It's really quite sad and funny that anyone in world could read the blogs on Rapid Reply and see how some people have racist attitudes. It's good that people know where they come from and their history. Remember the famous quote, "Those that cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." "You people" shouldn't mean all Natives; because I know many that know their past (to include me)are educated and provide for for our own. This article is about mismanagement and unfulfilled obligations. "

4 Knife wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:39 PM:
" When I hear this kind of news, it gives me more hope that the tenants in our society and environment will start paying their rent to the rightful landlords. Then we'll see how much atrocity has given in to the ignorant and greedy. Everybody is greedy, especially me, for justice and sanctification of desecration of mother earth. We will never give up our past, but just the same I can forgive others for my ancestors aggrevated past. Something they would of wanted me to do! After justice is served and the blood of the innocent is obliged. "

RC Native wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:37 PM:
" To "ME" and all the others that don't understand, the issue at hand is, simply put, have the US honor a legally binding document. Thses documents are just as binding as your constitution. "

Reader wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:35 PM:
" Just give the Native American's their money and then kick them off of welfare for good since they won't need it anymore. With that problem solved, welfare cases will drop by 80%. "

Lakota_Warrior wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:29 PM:
" Well i am writing this to all the respoonses that i have read so far that are jumping all over us indian people, 1st to the paper you say not to wrote comments that have racist language yet you print the comments that non-indians make concerning our native people. 2nd to deal with the money issue. The money and programs that are owed us is what the govenment promised to our people when we gave them certain things that they want, i imagine that the people who are making this comments in this section are the type of people who will borrow money from their frineds and not pay them back...and if this does happen then congrats, you are just like the government...and yes the government should could our health benefits just as soon as they make you people leave our lands, i guess you can consider the benefits rent for living on land that belonged to us, and as far the black hills go, you people still don't understand do you? the hills are not about money, its about our spirituality, they are sacred to us, let say i got you drunk or promised not to feed you then i took your church and wanted to buy it from you, but your family is buried there, your history is there, would you take money for it or would you want the place where your family is back to you. Consider all sides before you cut us down, isn't it time that the government is held accountable for something???? "

Lakota-Thinker wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:13 PM:
" I am currently dealing with the B.I.A. in an issure over a waterpipe that was put in the ground on my grandmothers land back in 1970. A pipe that she wrote a letter to the B.I.A. stating that she did not wish them to put there, now since this question is being raised about the B.I.A. paying money I know they will not pay anything to my grandmother's heir's, yet it is owed us...How can you fight the B.I.A. when they are the government...and to the person who is called "me" we are not beating a deadhorse we are trying to get what is due us...don't hate the players-hate the game... "

Crazy Arikara Man wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:11 PM:
" This land is NOT the LAKOTA's it was originally the land of the ARIKARA! You STOLE ir from us. So any money owed to you I will be happy to take from you! "

Me wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:07 PM:
" While I tend to agree with "just end it" and "think about it", I will give you so called NATIVES one thing ... you sure know how to beat a dead horse (so to speak). If you people put forth as much energy towards something productive, who knows where you'd be. Yet you continue to base your whole existence on what happened in the past ... simply amazing!!! "

Against giving the hills back wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:04 PM:
" Crazy Oglala Lakota wants the Black Hills back? I thought this land including the Black Hills belonged to 'everybody' to enjoy! My roomate in college told me the native people in Arizona have built a ski slope for ALL as a source of income for the native people there; than they charge 'everybody' the same price. "

bs rezzer wrote on Oct 10, 2007 3:01 PM:
" on my rez everyone drives around all day and night!!! "

Reading between the lines wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:59 PM:
" Apparantly the Reservations are not good enough. I don't really know all that was promised by the US Government to the Indians, through Treaties, but I'm sure it's more than land. Apparantly, the Black Hills mean more than the millions or billions dollars to the Indians of SD. "

Your History wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:56 PM:
" The problem with the 100 year argument is that the government and the people, who stole and mismanaged this money, are benefiting tremendously to this day. Romans did come to England (I assume that is your reference). And I suppose you can make the argument of the Roman Catholic Church being the residual affect on the people of England. Being that the English where not Christian but more of a polytheism religion resembling much of Native American Tribes customs. However the legal matter of this argument holds no water. This is a legal matter. Meaning that someone in the government broke the law, as in the treaties that the U.S. government drew up and forced the Tribes of these lands to sign. Also there are very few wealthy families in the US that have not profited from depriving, or stealing Native American resources. So if this is a little unsettling to your "history" or what you may pay attention to about your "history", my suggestion is to read a book and get over it. "

Rezzer 4 Life wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:54 PM:
" What about the millions possibly the billions owed the SD Tribes from the State? All that gas tax settled over a million dollars? Who did that? Where was that done? Yet, our people go without propane and never have enough gas to get around. In the end justice will be served and our people will get to live comfortably. "

ndn farmer wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:51 PM:
" To just end it. the amount of benefits that the lakota get for the enormous amount of land that was stolen is nothing compared to the money white farmers in my area receive. If you urban republicans knew what the rural republicans get on an annual basis you wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Some families get up to a million a year to buy more land new equipment, new pickups, 200,000 dollar motor homes. Kids don't have to go to college or get jobs. I feel sorry for those "poor" farmers. Trust responsibility is why I don't rely on the government for anything. I got a college education a job and probably the only unsubsidized farmer in my county. "

Think About it wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:44 PM:
" Wouldn't it be something if tribes across all history (i.e. before the Americas) decided "Yes, you defeated us but we want our lands back!!". How far would that go. Natives have the reservations. Isn't that good enough. "

Money Owed wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:41 PM:
" What about all the money that is sitting unclaimed for the Natives in SD for the Black Hills. Why is the hundreds of millions that has accumulated not good enough for them to accept? "

just end it wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:35 PM:
" The goverment should pay them whatever money is owed so it can be done and over with! The gov't would no longer owe ANYTHING to native americans and could stop with all the other benfits they give. In the long term, this would save them money. Give them what they want(money) and let them be the ones to screw it up. "

It's about money owed wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:28 PM:
" The US Government entered into written agreements (Treaties) with different Tribes to stop the warring. These agreements represented a so-called civilized nation. It wasn't the first or last time the US entered into "treaties" to stop wars. I really don't see anyone, like bla-bla, being as critical of those agreements as they are of Native American Treaties. It's just expecting the ones, who drafted these civil agreements, to hold up their end of the bargain. Tribes may not have bought the land because they were the first ones here, whether you believe they came from the Bering Strait or other Creation stories. Besides if they did get the land from other Tribes, they didn't have a "written" agreement and if they did, I am sure they would of lived up to their end of the deal. "

To Crazy Oglala Lakota wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:23 PM:
" Get over it. It won't happen. Move on with your life. "

tribal member wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:12 PM:

History wrote on Oct 10, 2007 2:08 PM:
" When the Romans created their empire they said deal with what we're doing or your eliminated. Why is it that people can't accept what happened over 100 years ago and live with it. If I lived my life complaining about what happened yesterday I wouldn't get anywhere either. "

bla-bla wrote on Oct 10, 2007 1:42 PM:
" It's all about the money - the give me factor, Tell me again who you bought the land from, and how much you paid them for it. "

Billion dollar pie on the face wrote on Oct 10, 2007 1:40 PM:
" Indians don't like pie but your always making them fight over it. "

Trust me, I'm your Uncle Sam wrote on Oct 10, 2007 1:38 PM:
" Is that what America defines as "Trust Responsibilty"? No wonder there are so many that question the character and integrity of our Nation. "

Crazy Oglala Lakota wrote on Oct 10, 2007 1:29 PM:
" We Want our Black Hills Back! "

What counts? wrote on Oct 10, 2007 1:24 PM:
" Does all of the billions of dollars spent on Federal Programs on the Reservations count? How about the money spent on Heath Care..all of the other Indian Programs over the many decades. It'll never be enough it seems. "

Blackelk wrote on Oct 10, 2007 1:23 PM:
" It seems to me that the only way to have a nonbiased decision would be to have an outside arbitrator or judge for another country or the UN step in and make a judgment. How can one ask a thief for what has been stolen, and hope for justice. The courts are not set up for justice in the case. Until the US can be held labile on a world stage for justice and equality, then Native Tribes will not get the reparations or the proper amount that has been robbed, stolen, raped, and or otherwise subjected to genocide. "

Works both ways wrote on Oct 10, 2007 1:15 PM:
" The feds might have mismanaged funds, but some tribes have too. But nobody asks where money goes on the reservations and why there's always a shortage. "

ECONOMIC SELF DEVELOPMENT wrote on Oct 10, 2007 12:55 PM:

I aint no Leonardo Decaprio wrote on Oct 10, 2007 12:52 PM:
" This is the tip of the ice burge for an indigenous population that has been riding on the Titanic of U.S. government paternal policy for far too long. It should make us all wonder what other abuses of trust responsibility continues to occur? Is it any wonder that the American Indian population takes two steps back for every step forward. "

Statute of limitations wrote on Oct 10, 2007 12:43 PM:
" We know there isn't a Republican candidate that will see this crime is handled with honor, nor will Hillary or the B-Team. I guess we can tack on another 11 years to closure. "

Kaboom wrote on Oct 10, 2007 12:41 PM:
" I tried on a pair of Nike N-7's the other day and they fit perfectly. So, now that I am a bonofide native american I look forward to getting my fair share of the billions that are owed "my people." Cha-Ching! "

11 years and counting wrote on Oct 10, 2007 12:38 PM:
" How come Tim Johnson has not done more to agressively advocate on this issue for his Native constiuancy in South Dakota? It seems like our State and Federal leaders would have good cause to stand behind the Native American people and see to it that this abuse and neglect of trust responsibility is addressed in a quicker time frame than eleven years. "

The people must speak up if the leaders won't wrote on Oct 10, 2007 12:33 PM:
" It's funny that over many years that this blatent injustice by the Department of Interior has been in the public eye. We here in the Aberdeen Area have heard of very little advocacy by Tribal presidents in this region? Very little from the treaty council or from anyone for that fact. Don't our warriors know how to apply presure anymore? Do we not want to bite the hands that feed us? Chairman Bordeaux, Chairman Steele, where you guys at? "

Show me the money wrote on Oct 10, 2007 12:29 PM:
" This would be a great opportunity for the mainstream American to quit whinning around about paying the way for the Native American. It would be in the vested interest of the general public to demand from the Federal government to fullfill the obligations to the Native American. What if it was your money or the money of your grandparents that our government was hiding from you? Would you be angry and demand accountability? What if you didn't have the voice or the power to reclaim what is rightfully yours? There is no excuse, or actually only excuses as to why this has happened to our First American citizens. It's a government led ENRON scheme that has spanded generations. I'm sure no heads will roll as Natives are not allowed to push things that far, but at least show us the money and let a few Native American families a chance to get a head with the money owned them for years. "

LCB wrote on Oct 10, 2007 12:25 PM:
" I just have a question; What 'bout the amount owed by renting the property from the government? The older I get the more I realize the only thing free in this world is God's love for us to provide for us all in this world GOD has given us all to live on. "

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