Backwards Bush Clock

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Morning Coffee for Oct. 11, 2007

Most of the things you worry so much about would never happen if they were left alone. Yet by your persistent focus on them, you greatly increase their likelihood. It is wise to be concerned and to take actions that will address those concerns. Yet it is foolish to simply worry, day after day, until that worry is soon manifest into something real.
Each day you fill your mind with thousands of thoughts. Those thoughts have much power because they influence every little thing you do, and those little things quickly add up.
So rather than filling your mind with worrisome thoughts, fill it with positive, enthusiastic, loving and life-affirming ones. Then, rather than letting the power of your thoughts push you down, those thoughts will be lifting you up.
The next time you find yourself with a worry or anxiety, think of it as a pebble in your hand. Simply let go of it, let it drop naturally, effortlessly to the ground, and continue on your way.
Then pick a positive, enriching thought to take its place.
Though you're not yet sure exactly how you'll finish, go ahead and get started. Even the smallest amount of progress can motivate you to keep going. The big achievements begin with small achievements. And the small achievements come from making the initial effort.
No matter where you intend to go, there is always a first step to be taken. Take that first step now.
Nothing can equal the sense of accomplishment that comes from getting results. Though it's great to have faith that you can do it, it's even better when you know from your own experience.
Action is what will transform your faith, your hopes, your best intentions into real and undeniable results. And now is the time to act.
Take that first step, keep on going and don't look back. You can do it, when you decide that you will.
Ralph Marston
When you fall, get back up. It may sound so simple as to be obvious, yet far too often it doesn't happen. When you've strayed from the path, work your way back to it. It is not too late and it is always your best option.
Remember why you started the effort in the first place. Remember what is truly important in your life, and why you're doing what you have chosen to do.
Being a victim has no real future, and helps no one. So do what it takes to get back up and get moving forward again. Sure, it is painful to fail. And the best thing you can do is to get beyond that pain as quickly as possible.
When you fall, get back up, quickly, with renewed determination, as often as it takes. And you will end up going exactly where you choose to go.
Ralph Marston

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